Product cancellation

You can cancel your order for up to two weeks in writing (by email) or by phone and return the goods you have received. The time limit starts to run from the date of delivery of the goods until the date of return.

Consequences of cancellation

In the event of cancellation of an order, the Buyer must return the goods received. The goods shall be returned in the complete set received and in the packaging received. If the goods received cannot be returned in full or are in a deteriorated condition, the Buyer must reimburse the Seller for the difference in value. If the packaging is damaged or it is not possible to transport the Goods safely, the Goods must be packed in such a way as to ensure their safe transport. Any money paid for returned Goods shall be refunded within 5 working days of receipt of the returned Goods. Shipping costs paid at the time of purchase of the Goods shall not be refunded and the Buyer shall bear the return costs.